Sunday, October 18, 2009

In the Danyluk Family

This is a Cover I have been working on for a family tree, genealogy Book. It is a watercolour of the homestead from family on my mom's side.


  1. Beautiful painting. I remember it well. Allen and I swinging on the rope swings from the maple trees in front. Inside the smell of wood smoke,mash and dill and a terrifying little old lady that said she would cut our tongues out with a knife if we weren't quiet - all corroborated by the big knife on the table. I believed it! Dan Danyluk

  2. The beautiful picture took me back to some beautiful memories growing up and visiting Baba & Gido. A simplier time, full of Ukrainian traditions. No favourites at Baba & Gidos - a hard raspberry candy for everyone! Love was expressed not so much in words but in a gentle pat on the head and smiling eyes. Yes, the picture is simply awesome! Thanks Tami - you are a true artist! Judy "Mat"
