Senior Art Enrichment | Aviva Community Fund
"Painting sees no age or gender, and speaks to every language found on earth."- anonymous
"Seniors make up the fastest growing age group in Canada." We must help by encouraging healthy and active lifestyles, to promote mental and physical well-being, to encourage sociability and to engage in an atmosphere of creativity and learning.
An art enrichment program designed to enrich the livelihood of the seniors in our community strives to offer satisfaction.To experience the pleasure of painting, to satisfy their creative spirit , to develop a sense of self appreciation and to find value and accomplishment in their work of art.
Art is possible for all people. Programs are also designed to motivate individuals who have physical challenges associated with aging and the constraints of health issues. Whether it is a hearing disability, Hodgkin’s, dementia or the entire realm of age related suffering, It is therapeutic to every individual who is involved in the art creation process. Persons confined to wheel chairs and other devices will be able to participate in this cognitive approach to learning. Individuals who have had a stroke can introduce the skill of painting to relearn. Painting is a way of expression and freedom. Its rewards go beyond the physical nature of the process. Let us give a program the seniors will benefit from, each in their own way.
Footnotes 1. anonymous quote - L.Rossin webpages. 2. Seniors make up the fastest-growing age group. Statistics Canada. Estimates of Population, Canada, the Provinces and Territories (Persons). CANSIM Table no. 051-0001. Ottawa.