Volunteering is always rewarding!
Today was a very lucky and rewarding day for me. (after the snow storm all day Tuesday it was just Ingrid and Myself that showed up for the FCA painting class). She demoed her apple in 4 still life paintings showing the effect of the warm/cool backgrounds. Then Ingrid answered all my questions for the rest of the class demonstrating her talents and explaining each colour and stroke as she created the painting of the girl on the beach photo I brought to work on. The painting turned out amazing, and just exactly how I would have imagined. First off - Loose, colours that were in the shade, the movement and how to capture that, change the bright turquoise sky, how to suggest clothes and features. Lost edges, subtle colour married into each other but maintaining their own value/hue. I loved every stroke that she applied. This is the lesson I have been anticipating forever. The building of the paint quality was of special interest to me as she uses such small transparent paint that sticks to its precessor, this; a skill that paint be perfectly mixed and then consistently practised to achieve the right soft touch colour application; I admit I am not there yet. There was enough information in the mini painting that when i asked my granddaughters tonight what that was a painting of they both yelled MIA MIA, and they didn't see the photo it was from! Thank you Ingrid for answering my entourage of questions and explaining every single stroke of paint you applied to me teach this very personal lesson.