A painting a day - I worked on a few paintings of children at the rodeo in a completely different style. This is just one of the renditions. SOLD AT THE CALGARY STAMPEDE STIRUP AUCTION JULY 7TH 2010
Well, This is what happens when you rework a painting, somehow its ok but the first version appeals to me more. The painting colour is off as it was taken outside,... I think I will move on. This painting is availbale for bid at the Airdrie Public Library on Aug 29th and then at the City of Airdrie until Sept 11th.
I particularly like the way the waves crashed into the rock considering the ocean was pretty calm. Well I have been preparing this scene for the Airdrie Seniors Outreach Program. I have tried the rock and splash a few different ways, I will continue to work at it, stay in touch.